Well what a year its been so far. Firstly I would like to start with a thanks. Thank you to you! the customers that join us on our days to create some great hair and keep us laughing from start to finish, your support during these times has been outstanding. We've had so many truly wonderful messages from clients and friends alike, about what we mean to you and your messages were heart felt. We are bursting with pride to see so many people that were cheering for our safe and well return. Having been in lockdown as a nation..... as a world we have overcome some truly testing times, the team at Texture Road have been so supportive of my vision for so many years and have been supporting me with messages, calls and tiktok videos from a few "still not managed to work that one out yet". we have been itching to get back and have been making some changes in the salon to get us ready to greet you with the highest standard of service....... with a smile! all be it behind a visor :)
we will be highlighting how things will look at your visit to the salon and will be uploading pictures along with videos of what to expect.we will be strictly follow all guidelines with assessment of this on-going as the guidelines change and we adapt to the lifting of lockdown through the coming weeks, as new information is released you can find here what this means to attending the salon and services. we will be watching its progression fiercely to keep you informed.
The Texture Road team have always been like a family and not being able to see that family has been excruciating. To be opening ours doors once more is so emotional, I feel with the team 100% behind me we have created something special in Texture Road! I couldn't be more grateful of them all, I couldn't have made it through sane with out their support.....thanks guys!
Keep Checking back to find out whats been happening in salon and how we will adapt moving forward with your safety being of upmost importance!
Trevor x
